Monday, April 4, 2011

Alsophilia australis

Alsophilia australis
Cyathea cooperi
addapted by Kevin
Australian Tree fern

Family: Cyatheaceae (Cyathia or Tree-fern family)

The ones in the pots are the ferns.

Photo 10 May 2003

This is a fast growing tree fern that grows to 20 feet and spreads up to about 8 to 12 feet. The finely divided fronds rise out of the trunk and arch down as they get older. Fuzzy brown and white scales cover the trunk and leaf stems. Plant in light shade or full sun on the coast.Plant in a sunny spots (coastal) and provide plenty of moisture, irrigating the trunk as well as the surrounding soil. Given these conditions this plant can reach 20 feet tall. It is hardy to about 20 degrees F.

San Marcos Growers

It was supposed to be this color.

But it turned out to be this color (all three plants)!

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